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4 min read
Introducing M&A-market fit
I’ve written before that every company has two kinds of customers: those buying its product and those buying its equity. Regarding...

3 min read
On Getting Off the VC Train
Getting off the VC train is gaining popularity among VC-backed founders, especially those in the $1M to $10M ARR range. At this stage,...

5 min read
On Dealing with Low-growth VC-backed Companies
Mark is a US-based investor who has been a GP in the venture capital game for more than 30 years. He has consistently generated returns,...

6 min read
The Reliable Negotiation Principles in M&A (Part. 1)
Getting people to say “yes” involves mastering the negotiation game to achieve your goals. Negotiation operates on two distinct levels:...

5 min read
The Key Valuation Drivers M&A ARR Buyers Actually Care About
This is the story of a venture investor who saw potential in a €4m bootstrapped SaaS company. When assessing an investment opportunity,...

4 min read
Buying Intent is the Product Market-Fit of M&A
Every company has two kinds of customers: the ones buying their products or services and the ones buying their shares. In 2021, selling...

3 min read
The True Reasons Why Strategics Buy Non-Profitable Failed Startups
In fundraising, what's reported in press releases about the amount raised often doesn't accurately reflect the entire reality. Despite...

5 min read
Read This If You Feel Your Startup's Valuation Isn't Fair
Everyone who is involved in the world of building, investing, and serving companies believes in capitalism. At its core, capitalism is...

3 min read
The Unspoken Rules of M&A for VC-backed Companies
A decade and three years later, the movie Inception still made me think about how an idea can completely mold someone's identity and...

9 min read
Corporate Development: A 3-Step Process to Bridge the Price-to-Value Gap
When a VC jumps on the board of a company they have invested in, beyond overseeing management decisions and corporate governance, they...

8 min read
Bridging the Gap Between EV and Post-Money Valuation
The conventional wisdom is that startups are typically bought rather than actively sold. In other words, simply wanting to sell at some...

5 min read
How To Start Being Good at Pitching Investors (Part. 3)
“A person who wishes to influence the decisions of governments, organizations, and companies must learn to speak in numbers. Experts do...

7 min read
Investor Insights Exposed: Understanding the Painful Reality Behind the ‘It’s Too Early for Us’ Rejection
As your familiarity with a particular field grows, you become adept at identifying recurrent patterns in human behavior. Having dedicated...

4 min read
How To Start Being Good At Pitching Investors (Part 2.)
Over time, I’ve come to see fundraising like the Football World Cup. Pitching to investors is like the group stage; only a handful of...

7 min read
I Spent 11 Months Selling A Social Media Agency - 4 Lessons Learned The Hard Way
I always thought that building a profitable company that could run without my input was the perfect passive income. It was until I met...

3 min read
How to check if your cherished company deserves a premium valuation
I have learned (the hard way) that our behavior and decisions are shaped by how we think. When it comes to something we put time and...

7 min read
How to Get Funded After Failing to Raise a Series B
I've recently seen the movie Miss Sloan, in which Jessica Chastain, my favorite actress, yells: Know your subject, people! She used a...

7 min read
Read this if you are a start-up founder and you struggle to raise money
“Through Language, can we influence Reality? You have 4 hours.” Man, I always hated philosophy in high school. While forced studing...

11 min read
How to Get a Tech Company's High Valuation Multiple (Even If You're Not a Tech Company)
A few days ago, a founder contacted me after reading my article about my approach to marketing investment opportunities. He wanted to...

7 min read
Use this Mindset Shift to Get an Advantage While Fundraising
“Through Language, can we influence Reality? You have 4 hours.” Man, I always hated philosophy in high school. While forced studing...
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